LifeMapTM is a novel, highly promising technique for assessing risk of sudden cardiac death, a condition that kills 3 million people annually.
LifeMap is a translation of 10 years of core scientific research at the University of Leicester into electrical restitution: the mechanism underlying sudden cardiac death.
The University of Leicester has patented the technology behind LifeMap and performed 3 clinical studies that all clearly demonstrate the difference that LifeMap could make to millions of our patients.
The team is collaborating with 10 other Cardiac centres of excellence on a larger multicentre trial: MINERVA. A clinical version of LifeMap is in development and we are looking for partners in Industry to help bring LifeMap to the bedside.
We would like to invite interested parties to contact us for potential partnership and or investment opportunities, please contact us by email or by using the feedback form and we will provide further details.